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New gigs added
New gigs with Lazarus Blackstar, Viking Skull & Gutworm added click here

Live Photos
Photos from the Gallows gig are online. Click here

T-shirts now back in stock, head over to the merch section or grab one at one of the upcoming gigs

The long awaited video for 'Piss Soaked Wrench' is here, head over to the media section & download the fucker. Thanks to Samuel Smith @ imagecleaver & all the people who turned up for the shoot which was just over a year ago. Tell us what you think in the forum Enjoy!

Live Photos
Photos from the Market Tavern gig are online. Photos by Adam Powell Click here

Tour Cancelled
The Organ/Daath UK Tour has been cancelled due to the retarded fucks @ Birmingham Airport Immigration Control, who seem to believe that Organ & Daath will be making millions on this tour & do not have the visas to do so. Anyone who knows anything about being in band on a very small label knows that you don't make fuck all money so to assume that they'd be earning millions is ridiculous & disgusting. This was a diy tour everything was paid out of Organ & Daaths own pockets & organised by Andy (OFB) now they've lost shitloads on flights, van hire, etc.

Both bands are however determined to come back to the UK next spring & i'm pretty sure we'll be joining them on what will be a bigger tour. If you want to help the guys out go buy some merch from www.organband.com & www.daathmusic.com

Out For Blood will still be playing @ The Spencer, Coventry on 11th December

More info soon.

Demoing new material
Out For Blood have been into the studio this week demoing two new tracks, its sounding pretty good so far, the recordings are a lot more raw & dirty compared to the stuff we've done previously. Once we've mixed them we may stick one up on myspace so keep checking here over the next few weeks.

Photos from the Meltdown fest @ Dudley JB's & the Viking Skull @ The Barfly, Birmingham gigs should be online in the next few weeks aswell.

The last gig of the year @ 1in12 club, Bradford with Lazarus Blackstar, Threads & Evil Twin will be the last for not only the year but for the first few months of 2006 as we'll be writing material for a new release, so if you've got some cash left over from xmas get up to Bradford.

See you in 2006.

New Live Photos
New live photos from the Meltdown Fest & the Lazarus Blackstar gig are online click here

Guitarist wanted
Out For Blood guitarist Ben Porter has left the band due to personal issues. We are looking for a replacement more info here

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